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Events Calendar - September 22, 2005
Sessions w. Max Graham [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Thu Sep 22, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:This past Canada day was arguably the best night we've seen at Helsinki yet and of course the dj was Max Graham (w.Chris Macphee).

Well, it is about time again that Ottawa gets treated to one of the best in the industry and their very own, Max Graham.

Thurs Sept 22 it is happening again and if anyone missed Canada day, just ask those who didn't. What they will probably tell you is exactly this: Don't miss this one cause Max is on fire.

Our opener for the night will be J. Bradley this time.

$10 before midnight/$12 after.
Added:Thu Sep 22, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - September 22, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (13)
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