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Events Calendar - September 1, 2005
SAT's Fall Program Launch [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Sep 1, 2005 @ 5:00pm
Description:On Thursday, September 1st, the SAT invites the public and the media to its fall season launch.

In order to better represent the exciting and eclectic events that will take place from September to December at SAT, the SAT has reunited the numerous artists and partners who have helped build the programming so far this year and for the upcoming season.

The "5 à 7", which you are invited to, will be followed by an evening of electronic music and visuals guaranteed to pack the dance floor. An exhibition space will allow you to discover and re-discover the technological advances that were developed by the SAT in the framework of its research program. In addition to many other unusual objects and projects, the night will feature an off-the-wall flyers collection that marked the past few years at the SAT.
Extras:Free Entrance
Added:Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Da_Hand
Events Calendar - September 1, 2005
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