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Events Calendar - July 29, 2005
Rick Toxic & Corey K @ Blue Dog [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:July 29th, 2005 =
Rick Toxic & Corey K @ Blue Dog

1 Night Only, 2 Brothers, 3 Orgasms Guaranteed.

Rick Toxic hails from a subsidiary of Toronto known as York, I don't know exactly where it is, except that it's far. I'm getting off topic. Rick has the most amazing accent, when he speaks he hit's these frequencies that make girls underwears fall off, it's amazing. He's an insane DJ too.

Corey K hasn't played at Blue Dog on a Friday in over a year believe it or not. The reasons for which are pretty obivous if you've ever met Corey, I mean...just look at him. and while we're on the subject can someone please ask him to shave already? Who are you trying to be, Ghandi or something? For fuck's sake....

Residents on hand:

3$ Only!

Free before midnight!
Added:Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 29, 2005
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