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Events Calendar - July 29, 2006
Rhythm: Fraser Manning's Going Away Bash! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 8:00pm
Info:We have the privilege, and at the same time the sorrow, of hosting our good buddy Fraser Manning's going away bash. The man has made a career move, and we're going to miss him for it. He'll be taking off to Calgary where he'll be pursuing bigger and better things for himself, so let's come out on July 29th and show Fraser how much we're going to miss him, and show him some Ottawa love!

RhythmWorks Productions Presents a special "Goodbye Fraser!" edition of "Rhythm" featuring:

Fraser Manning (Pozativ)
Mister Parker (RhythmWorks)

Opening set by:
Chris George

Saturday July 29th
Helsinki Lounge & Disco
15 George St
[ www.helsinki.ca ]

For more info on all of our events check out:
[ www.rhythmworks.ca ]

$7 b4 midnight, $9 after
Added:Sat Jul 29, 2006 @ 8:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 29, 2006
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