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Events Calendar - July 21, 2006
Pre-Move Party with Max Hébert & Phil Larochelle [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jul 21, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Description:Max Hébert & Phil Larochelle kick ass. What else can I say?
Extras:It is the most fun place in the city: the music, the people, the ambiance are just unbeatable, as anyone who has ever been there will tell you. If you want to go, just send me an email and I can put you on the guest-list or get you passes.

Here is the deal: ---------------> until 2a.m.

The bracelet (for Stereobar AND Stereo Afterhours) is always $10 less if I get it for you)

-----------------------------------> before midnight you get 10 drink coupons, that's right, TEN beers or TEN vodka cranberry or TEN gin tonics for as little as $20. It's crazy, but I swear it's true!

IF you JUST want to go to Stereobar I can get you free cover if you call me BEFORE 9p.m. 514-743-8782.

So on that (party) note, take care, and I hope to see you all very soon!
Added:Wed Jul 19, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Wrex
Events Calendar - July 21, 2006
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