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Events Calendar - September 11, 2004
Peace 9/11 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Sep 11, 2004 @ 9:00pm
Promoter:Barbuzz Promotions
Description:Make love in Masham, not war! This rave will take us all to a new level from 9pm on Saturday Sept 11 to Sunday Sept 12 at 9am. From the producers of FRENCH KISS/CHILL/FRESH, this staged show with a New York atmosphere, spas, cages, lasers, smoke, massages, bar services & restaurants will gather those who wish peace. This event is for 16 of age & over with licensed area.

Our parties are few in Ottawa since the coming of the after-hour dances' bylaw and this event will likely be the last outdoor gig of the summer. Everything is planned with the up most care and consideration

under a huge tent :
PREACH (Aria Nightclub, Mtl)
Michel Simard (Red Lite, Mtl)
MikeJames (Apocalyptics, Qué)
Oz Born (Fresh, lounge 426, Lux)
Luc Soulière (Chill, luxembourg)
Luc Labelle (Peace, Gatineau)

Extras:Presale $25 tickets (more at the gates) on sale at:
Ottawa: One Unity Records, 207 Dalhousie St., 613-562-2462
Gatineau: Underground Vision, Promenade de l'Outaouais 819-243-1305
Gatineau: Musica Monette, 260 Maloney boul. east, 819-663-9999
Hull: Omnicell, 442 St-Joseph boul. (next to Lounge 426), 819-776-4377
Hull: Pitapat, 45 Laval St, 819-771-9991
Masham: Patate à Carlo, 123 Principale E, 819-456-3403
Added:Fri Aug 27, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Lucky7
Events Calendar - September 11, 2004
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