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Events Calendar - July 18, 2003
Old Skool Revival [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Jul 18, 2003 @ 12:00am
Promoter:DBR Records
Description:The Sketchy Kidz , PLURfect, LuShYs ProDuCtIoNs Proudly present is first in a series of underground party. The Location and time slut will be able 24 hours b4 the party..
WE Only ask a donation of minimum 5 $ to get in. P.L.U.R and R.O.A.R in full effect.... We got for you people a great line-up for the one who like it Hard to the Core From the breaks to the happy shit going by the retro to the darkess beats everything will be HARDCORE.

Stay tune for more info any question msg one of the Sketchy Kidz

Hope to see ya all there


The KruH from The Sketchy Kidz , PLURfect, LuShYs ProDuCtIoNs

Room 1:
B7 (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Curtainz (USA, Mississippi, Philadelphia)
Freedom Danish (Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver) - www.jorahkai.com
Galaks' (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - Freak Addiction Krew, Six Feet H
Phil Atio (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - www.bowzer.net - Vibes Duty, GT-Unit
tffsgsf (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Unitus (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Ashes - Ashes2Ashes - Underground Soundz
bowzer - www.bowzer.net
exT - www.djext.ca
OoO.Lushys.OoO - www.soundofageneration.com - UGZ, Ambiguous, Transcendance, S
Phat Pat
Suzuki Kid
Extras:FUll INfO wiil be revealed on [ ravewave.com ] and [ xvi.com ] 24 hour b4 the party OUt of towner for info and to know how to get there ya can write to richardjesse@hotmail.com
Added:Fri Jul 18, 2003 @ 12:00am by » Luna-1
Modified:Wed Mar 31, 2004 @ 1:00am
Events Calendar - July 18, 2003
13 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Bebop
» bowzer
» exT
» LabRat
» Luna-1
» Mely
» Raz
Member Comments
» OoOLuShYsOoO said @ Thu Sep 9, 2004 @ 2:42pm
We spent the night before trying to get this thing to work. The day of we were gone from 6 in the am doing everything from runnning around downtown and tellnig everyone who looked remotly like a party kid the info line number. We finally, after only picking up the generator arrived at the venue (wich was earlier said to ave been "cleaned up by someone who shall remane nameless" to discover the 15 minute walkway through the woods was literally up to your knees in water and mud and bugs and sludge. The guys from toronto decided to try n drive in and got stuck, that really sucked. and we were totally fucked on how to get the gear in!!! But we were in luck cause some local on a fourwheeler helped us drag in our trailer *with us pushing and breaking it all over rocks and falling in the mud etc* Finally after so much effort and sweat and blood teh party finally got started and was one of the best time i had all summer. *morning really sucked while pulling a trailer by hand fill of gear through mud water bees and mosquitos after being up for well over 24 hours* thanks to everyone who came to play! and all the effort from cass, paul, kai, the white unicorn of ewok and all the ravers that helped us.
» exT said @ Tue Jun 1, 2004 @ 2:20pm
fun in the bush. lots of sketch, but some good people and adventure had by all.