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Events Calendar - November 27, 2009
Nitzer Ebb Pre-Show Party [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Nov 27, 2009 @ 6:00pm
Description:special pre-nitzer ebb party at Club Saphir this friday!

with Dj Mr. Black / Uriel & guess Kaotik

EBM / Industrial / Electro / Goth / Altern

+ tickets give away!!

Don't miss Nitzer Ebb show at Foufs on december 2 with special guess DjAchtung

[ www.facebook.com ]


Soirée Spécial pour le spectacle de Nitzer Ebb

Dj Mr. Black / Uriel + invité Kaotik

EBM / Industrial / Electro / Goth / Altern

+ tirage billets pour le spectacle!!

ne manquez pas le spectacle de Nitzer Ebb le mercredi 2 décembre au Foufs avec invité spécial, DjAchtung

[ www.facebook.com ]
Added:Mon Nov 2, 2009 @ 6:44pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - November 27, 2009
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