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Events Calendar - June 1, 2005
Nanalog, Biosphere, Tinylittleelements [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Wed Jun 1, 2005 @ 12:00am
Description:Exploring the synchronicity of sound and visuals, this program falls within the context of current experiments in digital audiovisual creation, presented annually at Ex-Centris since the inception of MUTEK.

The convergence of sound and image occurs in many instances to simulate a voyage to the confines of imagination, tracing the contours of mysteriously unknown universes. With this in mind, Montrealers nAnalog transport us to the core of nostalgia thanks to the their first multimedia oeuvre examining the theme of memory; tINYLITTLEeLEMENTS (comprised of internationally recognized Viennese artist Lia and Sebastian Meissner, also known as Klimek) install a stunning work highly stimulating to our imaginations. To close out this program, MUTEK is delighted to welcome the product of a recent meeting between two high-calibre artists. The sonic universe of Norway’s own Biosphere, with his distinctly evocative compositions based on the isolated region he hails from (Tromso, in northern part of Norway), is juxtaposed with videographic offerings from multimedia artist Egbert Mittelstädt. Thanks to the gradual, yet aesthetically striking deformations of everyday scenery, Mittelstädt generates intense, poetic scenes that dissect the power of evocation beheld in the music.
Added:Fri Jun 3, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - June 1, 2005
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