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Events Calendar - March 25, 2005
MTL&co Presents: Ambience In Empathy Dinner Show [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 1:00am
Description:Weekly. On Friday and Saturday's 7-9:30pm.

MTL & co, and Empathy Productions brings you DJ Empathy in, Ambience In Empathy.

This event will be a live Ambient dinner / drink show which starts at 6:30pm on March 4th. MTL & co has been doing this with Empathy for 5 weeks now on Friday and Saturday.

All shows have sold out recommending reservations.

With live piano and turntables, this is a very different show and chill-out, lounge feel. Come for some drinks or come and have a dinner, which ever suits you best.

With 300 hundred candles been lite, and the lights dimmed right down, this makes the perfect dinner date or pre party.

Thanks for reading and contact Club MTL for more info on dates and times.

MTL 241-6314.

Added:Wed Mar 30, 2005 @ 1:00am by » Psy_co
Events Calendar - March 25, 2005
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