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Events Calendar - June 1, 2001
Mercury [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Jun 1, 2001 @ 12:00am
Location:Club 160
Description:416 599 5424
Info:Once in a million years an unexplained power forces all the planets in our solar system to align with each other. This is called Syzygy. On Friday June 1st this power will be harnessed and released by some of Toronto’s finest DJs. The adventure begins on the planet closest to the source of the power – Mercury.
Extras:12$ - Advance
15$ - Day

Available at: Metropolis - 162 Spadina St
Added:Fri Jun 1, 2001 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - June 1, 2001
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