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Events Calendar - March 27, 2006
Melody Hovey Artwork : Drawings from Paintings [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Mon Mar 27, 2006 @ 7:00am
Info:melody hovey
Drawings from Paintings
Norml Clothing, Ottawa – April.2006
William Street, Byward Market

*This is a sister show to 'Paintings from Drawings' currently being displayed at Venus Envy Ottawa.*

Event Listing for 'Paintings from Drawings': [ www.xvi.com ]

Coupled with a painting exhibit at Venus Envy Ottawa, 'Drawings from Paintings' displays ink drawings and preliminary sketches mounted and sewn on fabric, then framed. Differing from the large-scale, brightly colored works known to fans of Melody's, these pieces are small and delicate (and affordable!). Lace detail and hand stitching combine to create a product that is subtle and feminine.

Norml Clothing, a great supporter of local artists, can be found at 41 1/2 William Street.

Melody's work has been displayed at Wurm Gallery (Ottawa), Shanghai Restaurant (Ottawa), Norml Clothing (Ottawa), Studio 4 (Toronto), Character (Ottawa), Organised Sound (Ottawa) and the University of Ottawa. She was also selected for inclusion in the Coachella Valley Music Festival 2005 touring exhibit entitled "TRASHed” (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Indio).
Added:Mon Mar 27, 2006 @ 7:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - March 27, 2006
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