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Events Calendar - October 31, 2008
Masked [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Oct 31, 2008 @ 9:00pm till Sat Nov 1, 2008 @ 2:30am
Description:Tundra Records and FAK Present: MASKED
a psychedelic masquerade hallowe'en event!


Ekoplex - (Toronto) Live performance.. first appearance in Ottawa!
[ www.ektoplazm.com ]

DJ Basilisk - (Toronto) first appearance in Ottawa!
[ www.ektoplazm.com ]

Data Decay - (Ottawa)

Clone - (Ottawa)
Tundra/Materia Rec

Visual Projections by Brainwerx

Warning: fluoro intensive atmosphere.. you may want to costume accordingly :)

@ Cafe Eri. 953 Somerset St. West and Preston (Take #2 or 3 bus)
Doors open 9pm-2:30am
19+ event ROAR in effect. Come to contribute, not consume!
Cover: $7 with costume, $10 without

This is also Mimsey Demon's Birthday, so come on out and have a brew and congratulate the birthday boy!
Room 1:
21:00 Clone (Psy Trance) - www.tundrarecords.org - Tundra Records, FAK, Materia Rec
Basilisk (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - www.ektoplazm.com - Ektoplazm
Ekoplex (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - myspace.com - Ektoplazm
Data Decay - TundraRecords.org - Freak Addiction Krew \ Tundra Re
Tickets:7.00 - with get up
10.00 - with out get up...boooooo!!!
Added:Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 8:25pm by » Purple_Lee
Modified:Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 1:28am by » Purple_Lee
Events Calendar - October 31, 2008
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Purple_Lee said @ Sun Oct 19, 2008 @ 11:32pm
sucks have to miss this one..grrr