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Events Calendar - May 20, 2010
Mark Flash (Underground Resistance-Detroit) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu May 20, 2010 @ 9:00pm till Fri May 21, 2010 @ 3:00am
Description:Thusrday May 20

MARK FLASH (Detroit, Underground Resistance)
Jupiter Room (3874 St.Laurent)

w/ special guest


9pm ╚► 10$

Artist Info

Underground Resistance is a main piece of Detroit’s history as the birthplace of techno music, born out of the Mo-town, jazz and funk traditions of the city. Techno originators like Juan Atkins and Kevin Saunderson became international ambassadors for Detroit in the 1980’s and the Detroit style became the foundation of dance music in the 1990s and onwards throughout Europe, Asia and South America. As the Detroit dance revolution was about to take off, Underground Resistance was formed, to defend the soul of techno as it spread around the world.

U.R. artists have been on the frontlines of the most sublime, innovative dance music produced over the last 20 years, from UR originators Mike Banks‘ hard-hitting style and Jeff Mills‘ turntable wizardry, to later forays into electro, space-funk, and then on to modern-day U.R. sounds that are built around soulful but pounding rhythms. Always priviledging the music over image or superficiality, U.R. embodies the real blue-collar street philosophy of Detroit and carries it around the world.

One such producer and DJ is Mark Flash, now a leading name in modern day Detroit dance music. His live productions, at times accompanied with saxophonists and the techno-jazz-house pioneers Los Hermanos, have again raised the bar for modern dance music, in recent high-profile appearances in Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Japan.

With skills in keyboards and percussion, Mark Flash puts on a unique show utilizing his talents to form a musical hybrid. In spite of his mastery of many styles, he’s not looking to bore you with psuedo-intellectualism. He wants to make you move. He defines his production style as ”loud and funky. I want listeners to say, ‘DAMN!!’ ”

[ myspace.com ]
[ www.undergroundresistance.com ]
[ 7en.ca ]
[ rhythmworks.ca ]
[ timekode.ca ]


HEAVY SOUNDZ (Latin Hip Hop / Reggae)
[ www.myspace.com ]

Heavy Soundz (Sonido Pesado) Entertainment se formo en los comienzos del 2006, pero antes de formarnos como compañia, Rila (Jaime Farro), Chele (Ronald Lemus) y Lunatico (Marco Abal), veniamos haciendo musica desde años atras juntos ya que teniamos las mismas metas de difundir y exponer nuestro talento con Hip Hop, siempre con mensajes positivos y expresando nuestra realidad, como nuestras vidas eran influenciadas por la politica, la policia, la corrupcion y el racismo entre otros temas. Como compañia ofrecemos servicios de organizacion de eventos musicales como tambien servicios de grabacion, meclas y creacion de instrumentales Hip hop, R and b, Reggaeton, Reggae, Dancehall, Fusion entre otros... Con nuestro primer demo album titulado "Heavy Soundz", obtuvimos la atencion del publico latino que relacionaba nuestros temas con sus vidas, tambien participamos en proyectos con Video Paradiso, Cirque du soleil, La Tohu y el Gobierno de Quebec. Ahora tenemos el segundo album de el grupo que sale a finales del 2008,con participaciones de grupos peruanos e internacionales como Malafama (Mexico), Umano(Lima), Kasu (España), Demonios del Fukin Clan (Lima) y Lyrikal Fam (Lima). Ya con bastante experiencia en el circulo de shows Hip hop Montreales,buscamos expandir nuestros horizontes como artistas y profesionales en las afueras, gracias a este pensamiento se formo el Proyecto "PERU BRAVO", el cual se llevara a cabo en Octubre del presente año y en el cual trabajaremos en un documental de nuestra ida y un album con los artistas mas destacados de el ambito Limeño. Lo ultimo es nuestra segunda produccion " Nuestra Mision" que ya esta en las calles lista para que la bajen haciendo click en la imagen de la portada..... PEACE

3874 St.Laurent, Montreal
Added:Sat May 8, 2010 @ 11:52am by » uzibee
Events Calendar - May 20, 2010
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Czarkastik said @ Fri May 21, 2010 @ 12:10pm
what a sick night!!!