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Events Calendar - December 18, 2009
Mario Bross, Nyan Narine, Alain Jackinsky [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Quebec
Time:Fri Dec 18, 2009 @ 9:00pm
Description:Ne manquez pas le retour du DEEPDOWN SOUND de NYAN NARINE [ ] à la barre de la soirée hebdomadaire X-STATIC @ Sky Club (3e étage du complexe), ce VENDREDI 18 DECEMBRE! La derniére fois au Septembre, la piste etait HOT et JAMMÉ, alors soyez certain de ne pas manque cette épisode ce VENDREDI.

Don't miss out on NYAN NARINE's return to SKY CLUB this FRIDAY DECEMBER 18. Eddy Jasmin has been building a fantastic night along with The Tubbies.. Last time Nyan was in the house, the dancefloor was rammed and the roof was on fire! Make sure not to miss out on another DeepDown Stomp n Romp!
Room 1:
Alain Jackinsky (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) -
Mario Bross (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Nyan Narine (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Added:Thu Nov 19, 2009 @ 1:39am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - December 18, 2009
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