Events Calendar - March 16, 2012 |
March Freak Show 2012 - No Limits [ Static Link : iCal ] |
City: | Canada, Quebec, Montreal |
Time: | Fri Mar 16, 2012 @ 9:00pm till Sat Mar 17, 2012 @ 5:00am |
Promoter: |
Location: | TBA |
Description: | [ PINKCLOUD.CA ] et ANIMAL EXHIBITION présente la deuxiéme édition du MARCH FREAK SHOW !!! BIG LOFT PARTY All Night , BYOB , With Dusbstep, electro and Reagga music !!!!!! VENUE TBA 48h IN ADVANCE !!! ★MARC REMILLARD★ [ ] ] [ ] ] [ ] ] ★ KEYLIME ★ [ [ WWW.PINKCLOUD.CA ] ] [ [ ] ] ★ JESS BELANGER ★ [ [ WWW.PINKCLOUD.CA ] ] [ [ ] ] ★ EPIPHYTHE&THEHACKERS ★ [ WWW.PINKCLOUD.CA ] ] [ [ ] ] ★ DORIAN GREY ★ [ [ WWW.PINKCLOUD.CA ] ] [ [ ] ] ★ STRIKE3 ★ [ [ ] ] ☆☆VISUELS PAR PROJET FOUBRAK☆☆ [ ] ☆☆ Peinture live par Thomas Lefebvre et AFORA ☆☆ ☆☆ BODY PAINTING par MICKOS DUCHEBAG ET BELINDA GULYCZ ☆☆ ☆☆ Performance burlesque par Gabriella Gaumert ☆☆ ☆☆ Cracheur de feu : MARK FIEND ☆☆ -------------------- 100 billets en prévente a 10$ et 150 a la porte a 15$ BYOB LOFT PARTY !!! ( Alchool accepté, bouteil de plastique et canette uniquement ) Soundsytem and lights By Renegade Legion MEGA BDAY PARTY !!! -------> Maxime Lebel : 18 Mars -------> Fred Chapeau :15 Mars -------> Oli Demers : 15 Mars -------> Tom Ravise : 15 Mars -------> Simon Coulombes : 14 Mars -------> Christine Beaudoin : 22 Mars ------->Marie-Eve Ostiguy 23 Mars En partenariat avec : ☆Animal Exhibition [ ] [ ] [ ] ☆AFORA Clothing LTD ☆Restaurant l'exception ☆OZZELL -------------------------------------------------- --------- BAR: - Energy Drink 3$ - Eau 2$ -------------------------------------------------- --------- Plein de surprises...... INCROYABLES :D -------------------------------------------------- --------- MARC REMILLARD BIO : Electronic music producer, DJ, event promoter and heavy bass lover, Marc Rémillard has been around for three years now, delivering solid tracks through a variety of labels, such as Trouble&Bass, BugEyed Records, So French, Play Me Records, etc. Born and raised in Quebec City, Canada, Marc Rémillard has always strived to achieve a musical career. Composition-oriented form the beginning, he made his debut in the industry as a guitarist and music writer in a prog-rock band, but soon chose to devote himself entirely to his electronic projects, as his experiments on the digital arena were getting more and more prolific. Marc Rémillard got his first signing in 2008 -- next thing we knew of, he was rocking crowds at important local venues and conquering the neighboring Montreal scene, sharing the stage with the likes of Willy Joy, Kid Sister, Terror Danjah, Eskmo, Bare Noize, Drop the Lime and Bar 9, to name a few. It is primarily through his audacious creativity and forward-mindedness that his local career so swiftly took off, as he began multiplying original productions and throwing massive local parties. Marc Rémillard has also quickly gained support from respected names on the worldwide scene. In 2008 and 2009 respectively, he acquired visibility by winning two remix contests -- Pop Inc.'s "Looking for the KLF" and Radio-Canada's "Bande à Part" national remix contest. In 2010, he was noticed by Drop The Lime with his track Downtown, which was subsequently released on T&B. In 2010, Marc Rémillard began collaborating with Denmark's leading producer Frederik Olufsen, with whom he started running the label Royal Fetish Recordings. They worked together on a number of productions and joined forces on a Canada tour in early 2011. Marc Rémillard also frequently teams up with Canadian singer Dee and American rapper Messinian, who both contributed vocals on his material. He also has ongoing projects in collaboration with Mustard Pimp, Costello, Hostage, Will Bailey and Willy Joy, among others. Thanks to his solid productions, diverse sound -- ranging from tropical vibes to trash and dubstep -- and high-powered live performances, Marc Rémillard has managed, all within two years, to distinguish himself as one of the most important event promoters in his hometown, one of the busiest producers in Montreal, and a significant and promising figure on the worldwide scene. But when it comes to music, there's only one crucial thing to remember: it's all about the bass! |
Music: | Room 1: Marc Remillard (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)-- Dorian Grey (Jungle / Drum and Bass) - WWW.PINKCLOUD.CA - PINKCLOUDproduction Epiphyte&TheHackers - - Mark Fiend PROJET FOUBRAK VJ Kaf-K Vj Venus Photographers: Chris Von Berg Entertainers: PINKCLOUD service d'animation Entertainers: Miss Loula Bee Deco Artists: Hellp Deco Artists: Thomas Lefevbre Deco Artists: Etienne Doucet Entertainers: Mickos Douchebag (Bodypainting) |
Stores: |
Added: | Tue Nov 15, 2011 @ 5:07pm by » DorianGrey |
Modified: | Wed Feb 22, 2012 @ 3:54pm by » DorianGrey |
Views: | 9631 |
Events Calendar - March 16, 2012 | [ Top Of Page ] |
13 People Attending [ Hide User Images ] |
Contributing Members: » DorianGrey (80)
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Member Comments |
» Valllll said @ Fri Mar 16, 2012 @ 3:00pm Ce n'est pas 15$ à la porte??? ``100 billets en prévente a 10$ et 150 a la porte a 15$`` C'est pas clair :P |
» DorianGrey said @ Thu Feb 23, 2012 @ 1:42pm Il reste 10 tickets a 10$ a ATOM HEART et 20 a 10$ au Psychonaut !! Hurry UP !! Next batch 20$ |