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Events Calendar - November 11, 2004
Luc Raymond @ MTL - Velvet DGB. [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:Ladies FREE b4 midnight.*
XVI members $5 b4 midnight
(Don't forget to toggle)

$3.50 beer & barshots
$12.00 pitchers
$5.50 martinis

This week Montreal's original House gangsta returns for his monthly at DAYS GONE BY. If you were kicking yourself for missing last months CRAZY OLD SCHOOL SET from Luc this is your chance to hear why Luc is the legend that he is today.

LUC RAYMOND stereo, montreal
Joe Juarez

Downstairs lounge out with a martini or pitcher with one of Ottawa's best secrets:

Dj Magnificent aka. Alex

General admission :
$6 b4 midnight | $10 after

See you on the dance floor.
Added:Thu Nov 11, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 11, 2004
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