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Events Calendar - October 9, 2004
LIFE w/ Fred Everything @ Surface-Oct.9th [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Oct 9, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:Very excited to be welcoming back one of Montreals & Stereo Afterhours finest dj/producers, Fred Everything.
Fred is very well known around the globe as one of the best floor stompin, technical djs as well as a world class producer with over 50 releases under his belt. He's had the pleasure of working on productions with artists like H-Foundation, Derrick Carter, Onionz, Joeski, Heather and Roy Davis to name a few. Hard to believe he has time to do all these releases when he has a crazy tour schedule that has brought him from one side of the world to the other and back a few times. Needless to say he's got a few airmiles racked up.
No doubt this night is going to be filled with floor stompin, boompty boomp beats provided by Fred and a couple of our Surface residents that'll get ya shakin dat booty for the evening.

more info on Fred at: [ fredeverything.com ]

Saturday, October.9th @ Surface

"LIFE" featuring

Fred Everything (Stereo, 20/20, Montreal)

Balu [ ]

Raissa (Velvet)

Opening Set By:

Jay Large & Adam L

$8 b4 12/ $15 til 1am/ $20 after/19+/10pm til 6am

[ www.pozativ.com ]

expect new Surface website over next couple of weeks:

[ www.surface-nightclub.com ]
Added:Sat Oct 9, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 9, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (1)
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