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Events Calendar - January 25, 2008
Libido 3 : Bender & Allied Nations [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 10:00pm till Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 3:00am

Soundtrack Party: Bender prépare 3h de musique de film originale et remixée electro. Il mixer des DVD au lieu des cds et les images (mixage videos fait à partir des meilleurs moments des chacun des films) seront projetés sur deux gigantesques écrans de cinema. Mais attention ce n’est pas une séance d’écoute ou de visionnement ! On prépare ici un MÉCHANT PARTY et Bender va ROCKER LA PLACE avec ses beats !

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Nous avons la possibilité d’ouvrir à 22h alors nous avons décidé de servir nul autre que Allied Nation, qui arrive justement d’une tournée en Amérique du sud !

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-20$ porte
-15$ prévente ticket pro
-10$ guest list / reduce pass (demandez à celui ou celle qui vous a invité)
-1 shooter de vodka donnés à l'entrée avant minuit!!!
-bouteilles de vodka à 140$ 40z et 100$ 26oz


Soundtrack Party: Bender is preparing 3h of original and electro remixed movie soundtrack music. He will mix DVD’s instead of cd’s, and the video party will be build with best of scene of each movie. The video party will be displayed on two huge cinema-size screens. But don’t think it will be a quiet listening/watching cession! We are preparing a CRAZY PARTY here and Bender will ROCK THE PLACE with his beats.

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We had the possibility to open Club soda by 10pm so we decided to have Allied Nations playing before midnight. He is just coming from a South American tour

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-January 25th from 10h00pm to 3am @ club Soda

-20$ door
-15$ ticketpro presale
-10$ guest list/reduce pass (ask the person who invited you)
-1 vodka shooters given at the door before midnight.
-140$ 40oz 100$ 26oz vodka.
Room 1:
22:00 Allied Nations
24:00 Bender
Tickets:20.00 - Door/Porte
10.00 - Guestlist
10.00 - Flyers/Reduce Pass
Extras:Pour Guestlist/Reduce pass : ou txt msg (514) 953-8662

For Guestlist/Reduce pass : or txt msg (514) 953-8662
Added:Wed Jan 16, 2008 @ 12:30am by » Cyrrus
Events Calendar - January 25, 2008
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Cyrrus
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