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Events Calendar - May 7, 2005
LAB Project [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 7, 2005 @ 9:30pm
Description:In the last two years, the LABproject series has played host to a number of performers from across the Montreal music scene. Musicians versed in indie rock, jazz, funk, hip hop, classical, ambient, electronica, have all joined together at one time or another on the LABproject stage. The lineups have all been diverse as Sixtoo, P-Love, Patrick Watson, Ele K, NAW, Black Market members of IKS, Bell Orchestre, Kalmunity, Ark of Infinity, Stars, Arcade Fire, Silver Mt. Zion, GOA!, Statue Park, Torngat, Byproduct, The Donkeys, Dr. Noh, Besnard Lakes, and more have crossed paths with each other and with some of Montreal’s best DJs and VJs for breathtaking break-neck shows.

A different set up for this last show of the season, you will see players joining and leaving the stage, changing instruments, and taking breaks (from playing – not dancing) for other players to contribute, only to add another dynamic element to the already action packed improv nights.
Added:Wed May 4, 2005 @ 12:00am by » moondata
Modified:Fri May 6, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - May 7, 2005
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