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Events Calendar - November 5, 2005
Jimmy Van M @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Nov 5, 2005 @ 12:00am
Info:* JIMMY VAN M (DC 10 Ibiza, Delta Heavy, TCA)

w/ Xl (Stereo Resident, MTL)

**Stereobar : Joe Juarez & Friends

Jimmy Van M began his DJ career in the early ‘90s. Since then, he hasn’t simply emerged as one of the world’s premier DJs, but an instrumental figure in electronic music’s continued growth and popularity in North America.

Jimmy helped form Eros Euphony (later named Balance Promote Group), which acted as both a promotion agency and a production alias for Jimmy and studio partner Sean Cusick. While Jimmy was creating cuts with Cusick under monikers like Eros Euphony, Freelance Icebreakers and The Escape Artists, he was also helping secure himself, Sasha and John bookings in places like Atlanta and San Francisco. Soon, the Big Apple loomed large.

in '96, Jimmy and partner DJ Chris Fortier founded the Balance Promote Group Record Pool. The pool was set up to promote widely European labels in North America. Mirroring the success of the booking agency, the pool is North America’s best boasting membership from the U.S., Canada and Mexico, and supported by hundreds of labels.

The largest DJ tour of its kind to ever hit North America, the Delta Heavy tour remains true to Jimmy’s roots. Not only will the tour hit cities he, Sasha and John have yet to play in, the scale of Delta Heavy’s production and innovation will help set a new benchmark in DJ, club and dance culture.
Added:Sat Nov 5, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 5, 2005
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