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Events Calendar - March 29, 2002
Infected Mushroom [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Mar 29, 2002 @ 1:00am
Room 1:
Infected Mushroom (Israel, Tel Aviv-Yafo)
Added:Fri Mar 29, 2002 @ 1:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 29, 2002
Member Comments
» FaUst said @ Sat May 6, 2006 @ 6:00am
Hihi!!!J'ai eut infect pendant une heure à moi tu seul!!! nan nan nan nan nan nan nan!! L'un des seuls grands plaisirs d'avoir passé des flyers pour le sona... Il faut avouer qu'il s'étaient énarver dans la déco pour l'évènement..
» Psy_co said @ Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 2:18am
sona sucks but infected was great as usual
» Zz.ee.vV said @ Thu Mar 28, 2002 @ 12:12pm
I'm there fo sheeze
» errorizE said @ Sun Mar 10, 2002 @ 6:52pm
Infected Mushroom's new Album sucks ass tho. At Karma 2, they played there new shit and the only track that rocked was there last one from the Classical mushroom album Bust a move :)
» Purple_Lee said @ Thu Feb 21, 2002 @ 10:04pm
I am there for sure...saw them at Karma 2 and they kickass