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Events Calendar - January 13, 2005
Incidents Improvisés [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 6:00pm
Description:Manon fait de la danse :: Dance company

Residency at the SAT from January 4 to 13, 2005
Thursday, January 13, 2005 :: Free

6PM Presentation by Manon Oligny
Results and demonstration of the research made during the residency

6:30PM DJ Jan Pienkowski & VJ jocool will translate their perception of some of the Improvised incidents through live music, with the help of images shot during the residency and a remix of Chopin.

Choregrapher: Manon Oligny in collaboration with Frédéric Moffet
And the performers: Mathilde Monnard, Anne Lebeau, Jordi Ventura and Fabrice Boutique

Videographer: Frédéric Moffet
Author: Fabrice Boutique

Improvised incidents is a research project on choregraphy and videography that started last October at Bains Connectives (Brussels) and will continue at Plateau Nadine (Brussels) in February. It will be featured in the April 2006 edition of Danse-Cité.

The research is a questioning of the “status of the perceptible’” through the concept of the PERFORMING BODY. Is being good sufficient or is being better the only goal? Isn’t there a mandatory challenge to set higher standards to reach excellence? Each individual is at the center of a self fulfilment theme: to not lose any notions of oneself, to not renounce to anything in fear of losing oneself… In today’s society, the individual is pushed to action, speedness and performance. “To be on top” seems to be the rule.

Thus, the body becomes the object of expertise and experimentation. The surpassing of oneself is instrumental in one’s social identification.

The work on videography and choregraphy made in close partnership with Frédéric Moffet is based on the concept of action/reaction through the idea of combat and fight.

" The revolt of the bodies is in fact the revolt against the head. If the body could be comparable to a prison, it is as a prisoner of an IMAGE "
Vanessa Morisset.

infos :: [ www.diagramme.org ]
Room 1:
Jan Pienkowski - www.onorecords.com - Ono Records
Extras:Free Entrance
Added:Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Da_Hand
Events Calendar - January 13, 2005
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