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Events Calendar - August 16, 2002
Hostyn 2002 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Aug 16, 2002 @ 12:00am
Location:Camp ground
Description:HOSTYN 2002
an intergalactic journey into the subconscious

Era Project (Redshift & InFusion) would like to invite you to the second edition of this unique three day outdoor event. Situated on the existing grounds of a Czech children's camp in a virgin forested valley in the Laurentians, Hostyn is an incredible scenic venue for artistic expression and experience. This unique event is about providing a feast for the senses, while giving birth to a comfortable environment of freedom, spontaneity and creative thought allowing everyone present to share their knowledge, experience and understanding with one another.

So come and let yourself be immersed in the beauty of the surroundings. Let the people, the music and the images release your own psycho-creative energies. Treat your senses to something new and unique and allow yourself to be transported to a new awarness of life and conciousness.

Bring your musical instruments, your poetry, your paint and paint brushes or any other devices that your imagination can contrive !!!

Camp Hostyn, located in a beautiful forested valley in the Laurentians
(about 1hr from Montreal, go to [ www.eraproject.com ] for directions)
- free parking
- free camping space (bring your own tent and sleeping bag)
- free running water and showers
- public beach nearby

Note: We are also in the process of constructing some verry intricate decorations.
       It will be worth the trip alone just to see these inter-galactic contraptions
       light up after dark !

Room 1:
Saint Pete (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Semira (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - independant
Aras B.
Baby Dino - www.kirk6.com
Kid Cartoon
Loui B.
Nic B
Sabi Non Stop - Big Member, Six feet high
SARCASTIC - www.djsarcastic.bandcamp.com - Level 4, Icewax, Red Channel+
Simon G
vjKAS - www.stareproductions.com

For those of you who don't have cars, we are going to have
a shuttle-car system setup for the party. The cars will be
departing from 1462 Laurier East, located approximetly
8 minutes east of Laurier metro (orange line). The departure
times for friday the 16th are: 5Pm 7PM and 9Pm. The departure
times for saturday are: 11AM, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm. Please let
us know which departure time suits you best and how many
you are. The roundtrip will cost 10$ per person. To avoid
having to wait, contact us now, so we have enough cars
ready for everyone.

To get in touch with us about the shuttle-car service, email us at: eraproject@lycos.com
or leave a message on our transportation infoline: (514) 306-8063

Note: If you have a car with free seats and are willing to share, please let us know.

****you can bring your own food, but no alcoholic beverages will be allowed to enter the site
Extras:15$ in advance, 25$ at the door
tickets sold at:
Music Hall - 4511 St-Denis, (514) 842-7146
Rotation - 30 Prince Arthur O, (514) 848-9562
Added:Fri Aug 16, 2002 @ 12:00am by » Unknown User
Modified:Sat Aug 14, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - August 16, 2002
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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Member Comments
» sabinonstop said @ Thu Oct 8, 2009 @ 1:43pm
holy fuck i forgot about this party,i played in 2 areas!