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Events Calendar - June 12, 2004
Homeworld 3 - Alien Contact [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 12, 2004 @ 12:00am
Description:The Alien Crew is proud to present to you, Saturday June 12th, HomeWorld 3 - Alien Contact. Come meet all the different races of our magnificent, psychedelic galaxy in one major gathering. Come explore all the new musical landscapes we will be setting up for you. Garanteed smiles, laughs, euphoria, and mindbending psychedelic riffs that will give you no choice but to shake that alien booty of yours.
Room 1:
Kynoxe (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - Freak Patrol, Dragon's Tribe
Neuro vYrus (Canada, Quebec, Levis) - www.onthemovemusic.com - On The Move Music
Clown (Tech Trance) - www.jesterrecords.ca - JESTER Records and Productions
Joti Sidhu
Olivier Saint-Germain aKa OSG - www.myspace.com - Noerg
Psychaos - [Live PA]
Rinkadink - [Live PA]
Skhighwalker - www.aliencrewmontreal.com - AlienCrew / Symbiotic Sounds
Zaid K - Phonolite, Alien Crew
Extras:Tickets are going on sale on April 24th in stores near you.
- PreSale will be 15$. Only 40 tickets available.
- After the tickets will jump to 20$ until May 16th
- 25$ May 16th to June 1st
- 35$ June 1st to June 12th
For the people of the outside, Tickets will remain at 30$ in your stores. But the door will not be any cheaper. So get them while they are in stores people. For group prices for 10 people or more, please email us at aliencrew420@hotmail.com.
Added:Wed Apr 7, 2004 @ 12:00am by » clown
Modified:Thu May 24, 2007 @ 7:18pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - June 12, 2004
Contributing Members: » Psy_co (81), » timmytork (27), » Nuclear (20), » AYkiN0XiA (9), » Unam (9), » blop (2)
Member Comments
» goalien said @ Thu Apr 14, 2005 @ 9:29am
thanks for coming peeps always a pleasure to host you.
» Cyric said @ Mon Jun 21, 2004 @ 7:29pm
Yeah, that party was great, one of the best ;)
» Omni said @ Fri Jun 11, 2004 @ 1:26pm
Can't go. :( Dance for me everyone!!
» subfl0wer said @ Mon Jun 7, 2004 @ 10:49pm
Lee as always I shall:) This is gonna be a rockin party.
» Purple_Lee said @ Mon Jun 7, 2004 @ 10:39pm
So who is going to join me on my quewst to break the dance floor????...
» lilmissmeow said @ Thu Jun 3, 2004 @ 5:53pm
this part y will rock your socks!!! get ready boys and girls for a party to remember...!
» Chapeau_Rouge said @ Wed Jun 2, 2004 @ 3:00pm
hope to see your there AND at the pre party!!!!!
» nter said @ Tue Jun 1, 2004 @ 3:55am
info: 301-6971
» basdini said @ Mon May 24, 2004 @ 8:30pm
last time i was so high i almost fell off the balcony at the Rialto
» LouisKend said @ Mon May 17, 2004 @ 2:10am
Ya right!!!!!!!!
» cactain_steef said @ Tue May 4, 2004 @ 7:28pm
» Miller said @ Sun May 2, 2004 @ 11:14pm
be prepared to be knocked off your feet, this will be one not to be missed.... looking foward to joti's new Album - which you will all have the chance to hear
» Psy_co said @ Fri Apr 9, 2004 @ 2:42am
These guys really know how to throw a party, a must go event
» clown said @ Sun Apr 4, 2004 @ 3:08pm
Man.. this will be THE party of the summer.. organised by the most recognized crew in the psy community.. p.s. Joti WILL be there..
» blop said @ Sat Mar 27, 2004 @ 12:56am
i'm there for the probing!
» cloak said @ Tue Mar 23, 2004 @ 1:14am
that was such a great party, i even forgot my friend there, that was sleeping in a corner.
» Khemlab said @ Tue Mar 2, 2004 @ 8:16pm
To Alien Crew: Any contact info? I would like to know if you would be interested in a dj from Winnipeg, or another dj from My crew; CDN-AM (Canadian Artist Management). Look forward to a response :) Cheers!
» Goa_Frequency said @ Mon Feb 9, 2004 @ 1:39pm
Awww Homeworld was one of my best rave in 7 years! Bring back Joti Sidhu for HW3 and I'll be on my knees!!!! *Pray for Joti to be there* =)