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Events Calendar - December 3, 2004
HEAVEN by Nocturnal Rampage & TCH [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Dec 3, 2004 @ 12:00am
Description:Heaven in Hollywood? Yes that's right Nocturnal Rampage in Association with Trance Club Heaven Brings you LA's Hottest 18 and over club; HEAVEN we strive to bring you some of the best talent available. Kicking it off with the WORLD FAMOUS ! DJ SAMMY (djsammy.de) including a live performance by LOONA live. On his 2004 US Tour "For You Tour" he Stops to give you a mind blowing performance. Along with Heaven's Angels: USED AND ABUSED (TFO RECORDINGS,) DJ CUBIK [ ] NR Management CB Events) BIGZZ [ ] NR Management CB Events) LIQUID E (K2K Productions, NR Management) Nocturnal Rampage [ ] DJ ALPHA (NR Management) DJ TIDY(NR Management) Gil-la (TCH), Arun (TCH) We promise to have State of the art Lasers and lighting will have sound that will make you FEEL the music! Dress as a SEXY ANGEL and win free passes to upcoming events.
Info:PLEASE Visit [ www.tranceclubheaven.com ] or [ nocturnalrampage.com ] or call 1-866-346-1402
Extras:Buy Pre Sales for ensured entrance at the World Famous ARENA 6655 Santa Monica Blvd , Hollywood CA 90038
Added:Wed Dec 1, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Psy_co
Events Calendar - December 3, 2004
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