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Events Calendar - February 15, 2002
Hardkore v2.0 Sex Drugz N Casioz [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Feb 15, 2002 @ 12:00am
Location:Sneaky Dee's - 431 College Street @ Bathurst
Description:Do you generally hate everything Toronto has to offer in way ov culture as you know its bland mediocrity that is tried and tested to pacify the masses and to ensure high capital return. Do you think Toronto is a bland conservative city filled with mindless consumer drones whose tastes in the arts are about as broad as their intellect? Do you even not bother to go out as you know there is nowhere in Toronto to hear music you actually like? Now you are left to listen to mp3s on your computer. Even events that bill themselves as "experimental," as you know they're about as innovative and experimental as another season ov Survivor! Is experimentalism and innovation criteria for your musical tastes? Are you not afraid ov the NOIZE? If you answered yes to any ov the above questions, we highly recommend you relieve some stress from living in a city that sucks by moshing out to the hardcore at HARDKORE v2.0 Friday February 15th at Sneaky Dee's 431 College St at 9:30 pm! If you answered no then you should come anyways as you can play the annoying "hey I know hip hop. I listen to the Beastie Boys" scenester!
Extras:10 @ the door
Ladiez only $5
Added:Fri Feb 15, 2002 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Modified:Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - February 15, 2002
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