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Events Calendar - May 9, 2009
Half Baked, Golden Collider, Bernardino Femminielli [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat May 9, 2009 @ 9:00pm
Description:Half Baked: "A duo that unleashes electro-rock like a supernova exploding. A singer that's like a combination of Iggy Pop and that dude from Monotonix, but with a sense of style and flamboyance. Thunder and lightning with a little showmanship." _ The Lonely Vagabond, Toronto.

Golden Collider: le nouveau projet de Lucien Zinnato, star montrealaise a plein-temps et ancien membre de Pornorobo. Le Golden Collider est un etre atemporel et immateriel. Sa musique est fortement inspiree des sonorites etherees que l'on obtient quand on joue du piano a chats.

Bernardino Femminielli: "This local vintage synth surgeon’s thinking of shooting a film, a two-player existential-meltdown-in-a-hallucinatory-desert sorta deal, but he’s too impatient to save the soundtrack for whenever the hell his movie happens. Just as the premise for the film recalls Jodorowsky and Antonioni, the tunes here are cut from the same blotter sheet as the mystical Moog mantras of Goblin and Tangerine Dream. The alternately serene and sinister melodies are utterly minimal but driven home in a mesmerizing max-out of tingly, cascading tone clusters." _ Rupert Bottenberg, Montreal Mirror.
Added:Mon May 18, 2009 @ 7:26pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - May 9, 2009
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