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Events Calendar - May 2, 2003
GOAway [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri May 2, 2003 @ 12:00am
Description:Lots of great vibes in an arcade with free popcorn.. Cheep drinks and a cute barmaid.
Room 1:
Br34th3 - www.nexus-media.co.za - Phonolite, Nexus Media, Vision
Clown (Psy Trance) - www.jesterrecords.ca - JESTER Records and Productions
Olivier Saint-Germain aKa OSG - www.myspace.com - Noerg
X-Frog - www.psyfreaks.ca - Psyfreaks.ca
Info:special techno set by Geist and Clown
Added:Fri May 2, 2003 @ 12:00am by » clown
Modified:Sun Aug 29, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - May 2, 2003
7 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » Screwhead (19)
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