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Events Calendar - May 23, 2013
☆☽☾☆ Full Moon Gathering V3: The Rite Of Sacred Fire (Galactic Alignement) ☆☽☾☆ [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu May 23, 2013 @ 10:00pm till Fri May 24, 2013 @ 5:00am
Description:Troisième rendez vous mensuel de notre série d'événements All night chaque Jeudi de Pleine Lune !

Cette édition nous recevons un invité spécial du Venezuela qui viendra nous performer un live psytrance unique en son genre:

DEFTSPANK live! (Venezuela) ::: Psychedelic [ soundcloud.com ]

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Full Moon Calendar: [ www.moonphases.info ]
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Collision time:

10h KLOUD9 ::: Psgressive

11h30 DiRty HARRY & STrangeFunk ::: Psygressive

1h TRANSURFER vs SYNTHETIK ::: Psytrance

2h DEFTSPANK live! (Venezuela) ::: Psychedelic Trance
[ soundcloud.com ]

3h NAAZ djset ::: Psytrance



LOCATION: 5440 Iberville, Montreal, Quebec

Trancefare: 7$ (before Midnight) - 10$ after midnight

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Bar + Beverages,
Warning, No Glass or Bottle of Alcohol is permitted inside
No Smoking Inside, we provide a space for that, backdoor
Be respectful and bring your best smile.

Come to contribute not to consume.

************************************************** **

Our mission: to create the perfect transformation into Peace, Unity,and Global Respect!!
Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. ♥

--- PEACE ---
Added:Wed May 1, 2013 @ 1:47pm by » OtKun
Events Calendar - May 23, 2013
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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