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Events Calendar - May 10, 2005
Freekenfusion - The Return! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Tue May 10, 2005 @ 9:30pm
Info:Come join us as we welcome back a friend who is returning and willing be playing a special set early in the evening!

Elifinity is a veteran psychedelic raver having begun his love affair with the scene on the beaches of Goa in 1992. Moving from the dancefloor behind the decks in the late nineties he has focused on psytrance and intelligent drum and bass as his principal weapons of mass distraction. His psytrance sets reflect the best of the old school melodic Goa sound (minus the cheese) while staying current with the tech and progressive flavours. Always full-on and on the positive tip, Elifinity provides guaranteed butt wiggling psychoactive entertainment. He is happy to be re-uniting with the Ottawa psy-family again.

Also with Koda and Data Decay ringing in with the goods! This evening is shaping out to be heavy and hard... so bring your dancing shoes and dance away the winter cob webs!

Great Music, Great Vibe, Great People

Where its at!
Added:Tue May 10, 2005 @ 9:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - May 10, 2005
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