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Events Calendar - February 20, 2009
Faggity-Ass Fridays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 6:00pm
Description:PWYC ($10 suggested)

Benefits Head & Hands
[ www.headandhands.ca ]

Faggity Ass Friday is an awesome faggitylicious dance party that benefits Head & Hands' peer-based sex education program: The Sense Project. A suggested $10 donation goes directly to peer education manual printing, wooden penises (in all shapes & sizes), Health Animation in classrooms, Youth-led media projects on sexuality and so much more. At Faggity we dance to make sex education a priority in Montreal high schools and communities, since it's been phased out of the curriculum in 2005 with the Education Reform. Boo!

Faggity Ass Fridays is all about simultaneously creating and supporting Queer Community. On November 12, Nora Rohman (FAF Event Coordinator) was invited to speak on behalf of Head and Hands at a MYCAH (Montreal Youth Coalition Against Homophobia) roundtable discussion on queer youth and organizing in Montréal. She presented on Faggity Ass, and spoke about fundraising for social change, queer politics, making links to youth based activism, and dance party madness!

[ faggityassfriday.blogspot.com ]
Added:Sun Feb 8, 2009 @ 4:31pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - February 20, 2009
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