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Events Calendar - December 2, 2007
EZBAKE Monthly [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sun Dec 2, 2007 @ 9:00pm
Description:The last EZBAKE of the year is shapin up to be the loudest one to date at our new space.
Reppin all things Broken for three yrs strong, expect as always a sick blend of Dubstep / Breaks / Funk / Reggae / Jungle with your
bake-a-licious hosts:

Kiffah <-- Dubstep
Dialect <--- Breaks
db vaig <-- jungle / reggae

Special guests for this bake the boys from Illegal Records dropping downn some mad wax.

Recoil <--Illegal Sound / 6 Feet High
No stranger to the world of Jungle Recoil is a walking encyclopaedia of all things old skool. Chipmunk jungle, heavy piano rolls, old school ragga, this man is the professor!

16AJ <-- Illegal Sound / V.A.T
Welcome home Jack! The man has revolutionized the sound that is Ragga-Jungle. Now based outta Vancouver this producer extraordinaire gwan come and mash dem down.
Room 1:
Mz. Revolution (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) (Ragga)
Recoil (Canada, Yukon Territory, Destruction Bay) - soundcloud.com
Sixteen Armed Jack (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) (Ragga)
Db Vaig (Breakbeat) - www.ezbake.ca - EZBAKE
Dialect (Funky Breaks) - www.davedialect.com - MonkeyDub BassBong Breakz R Boss
Kiffah (Dubstep) - EZ Bake, Random, Dregs
Tickets:0.00 - NO COVER
Extras:As always no cover at the BAKE. Shooters galore, good beats and chill peeps.
Its time for an old skool Ragga Jam kiddies.
Don't sleep on this one!
Added:Tue Nov 6, 2007 @ 8:52pm by » Kishmay_Pinas
Modified:Sat Nov 10, 2007 @ 12:41pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - December 2, 2007
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Kishmay_Pinas said @ Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 9:50pm
EZ-licious BAKE-tastic RAGGA-ful
» recoil said @ Thu Nov 8, 2007 @ 2:58pm
» MLion said @ Wed Nov 7, 2007 @ 4:24pm
massiv line up peace