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Events Calendar - July 26, 2003
Eclipse 2003 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jul 26, 2003 @ 12:00am
Location:Outdoor Party
Description:Hello everybody : moovers and groovers, hyppies, clubbers, travellers, ravers, dancers, brothers and sisters, freaks and artists, saints and sages, gurus and aliens, mammas and pappas :o) Plus de 24 heures de musiques trance , techno psychédéliques et ambiant avec plus de 10 heures de musiques présentées pas des artistes internationaux (surprises) sur un main room exterieur et un chill out. Spectacle avec visuels sur plusieurs écrans géants, déco 3d, laser show. En cas de pluie: sous un chapiteau.
Room 1:
DJ Zen (Canada, Quebec, Inverness) - www.altar-records.com - Altar Records
Semira (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - independant
Shango (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.neurovortex.com - NvX
Cafrine - www.vitaminecat.ca - http://www.techsafari.ca
DJ Rikam - www.myspace - Neurobiotic records/Tech Safari
Olivier Saint-Germain aKa OSG - www.myspace.com - Noerg
Seb - Mandala Sound and Vision
Tao - www.attituderecordings.com
Yann - www.techsafari.ca - Tech Safari, Ultra Groove Rec.
Added:Sat Jul 26, 2003 @ 12:00am by » Unknown User
Modified:Tue Apr 12, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - July 26, 2003
64 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » Psy_co (78), » nhom (1)
Member Comments
» goalien said @ Thu Apr 14, 2005 @ 9:08am
didn't alien crew do this party with them also it's on the poster, look at top , and on the flyer. we dropped homeworld that year because this party was so awesome
» Psy_co said @ Mon Feb 28, 2005 @ 2:20am
rain caliss rain... but not enough at the end :)
» Cyric said @ Sun Aug 3, 2003 @ 2:04pm
That was the party of the summer !!! CRAZY !!!
» lilmissmeow said @ Mon Jul 28, 2003 @ 3:02pm
this party was sick...to all thoses who didn't make it... you missed out hardcore.
» subfl0wer said @ Thu Jun 26, 2003 @ 10:41am
w00p!! Im going for my b-day too! Mines July 23rd! And some friends from Cali are coming too! And one of THEIR b-days is July 15th! And 2 other local friends b-days are july 30th and july 29th! hahahahahaha it will be a huge b-day bash:D
» Purple_Lee said @ Wed Jun 25, 2003 @ 5:51pm
this will be a my birthday bash since my birthday is july 30th
» Rickam said @ Thu May 29, 2003 @ 3:31am
Et avec également : DJ MARCUS (X-Dream, The Delta) Novatekk gmbh, D Drum Germany DJ CHRISTOF Absolum, Tiya, NBK, Transwave) 3D Vision records. TIP records France Toute les infos sur [ fly.to ] Ligne Info : 514 740 7449 Les billets sont rendus à 35 $ Les bilets autobus sont à 5$... les autobus partiront du centre-ville.... Les portes ouvrent le samedi à 3pm Apportez vos tentes, le party dure jusqu à dimanche soir.... Lieu D ECLIPSE ; Au boisée du Fou du Roi ( [ www.ete.ca ] dans les Laurentides prêt du Mont Tremblant à 2 hrs de Montréal.... merci à [ ravewave.com ] peace Eric @ Tech Safari Prod.