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Events Calendar - August 6, 2004
Dj Xl @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Aug 6, 2004 @ 11:00pm
Info:* xtended set : dj xl (Stereo Resident)


After a whirlwind tour of Afghanistan to bring back the lovely Burkaa at rock bottom prices, Tyler, Jordan, and the Empress J are once again colluding with the one and only DJ XL to bring you FREAK OUT!: the second coming. FREAK OUT is guaranteed to get out all of your funk, and leave your soul spotless and clean! It also beats seeing that Mel Gibson movie, but we didn't have to tell you that. It is not meant to be used as a baby food substitute, however. For all of you who made it to the first one, thanks a million, and we guarantee that rash will go away soon. For all of you who missed it, what were you thinking? Barbara Walters said it was the best substitute for an Olgivie Home Perm she ever had, and that her Herpes is much better now since her FREAK OUT! at Stereo. Just imagine the possibilities here, kiddies!

As usual, unusual effort in dress gets you a special 5$ price at the door. Now, this doesn't mean renting a costume or Hallowe'en gear. We want to see glamour, beauty, tragedy, and everything in-between. The Empress is going to get harder and harder to please, so rise to the occasion and FREAK the f--k OUT! The Empress will be scoring on creativity, originality, and effort, so someone in an Armani suit can beat out someone in a rented costume easily. It’s about developing your own personal style and owning it. We want to see your inner FREAK!

Prepare for the unexpected once again. We want to see the same beautiful crew of stylish ladies, hot guys and whatever else the cat drags in for this edition. Bring your friends, bring your family, please, don't bring your pets, we're still cleaning up after that pet pygmy hippopotamus! If you didn't make it down for the last one, get your asses in gear (and your donkeys too) and come on down!
Added:Fri Aug 6, 2004 @ 11:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - August 6, 2004
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