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Events Calendar - November 25, 2004
Dj Xl @ Mtl - Dgb [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Thu Nov 25, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:A special DGB event In celebration of DJ Raissa and Allison Macdonald's birthday's.

Velvet & Funf is very proud to present:
SONA and STEREO legend:-
DJ XL (stereo)
w/ raissa (bday-girl)

$6 b4 midnight | $10 after
Ladies free b4 11pm***

Pick up this month's flyer for your FUNF & VELVET discount members card.
Available at most fine clothing and records shops.
Added:Thu Nov 25, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 25, 2004
0 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » Belldandy (9)
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