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Events Calendar - December 1, 2006
DJ Craze [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Dec 1, 2006 @ 9:00pm
Description:Since the incredibly successful Reid Speed event that took place back in August, DNA Records has teamed up with DJ Bind and Academy club once again to bring you more cutting edge musical talent:

DJ CRAZE [Miami]
DRUM + BASS // HIP HOP // TEKDBZ // Six Time World Champion // Cartel
In Montreal, when you think of scratching the first thing that comes to mind is ATrak, when A-Trak thinks of scratching, the first thing that comes to HIS mind is DJ Craze. If you haven’t seen this man behind two turntables you’re missing something beautiful. Now add his turnbtable mastery to hip hop/d&b crew TEKDBZ, fronted by legendary producer Photek and you’ve got the best of both worlds. All that’s missing is an MC to host this momentus occasion….

MC ARMANNI [Philadelphia]
This man is considered at this very moment to be one of the top Drum & Bass MC’s on the face of this earth. His most recent expedition? Touring the globe alongside the godfather of the scene himself, Goldie (founder of Metalheadz Recordings and creator of the seminal Jungle/D&B album ‘Timeless’). His most recent collaboration? Teaming up with MC Sharpness forming like voltron to create Mental Sharp, the newest signing to the TEKDBZ imprint.

DNA Records
Corey has been spinning D&B for over 10 years and has held numerous residencies at some of Montreal’s most well known clubs. He's also the manager over at DNA Records, the home for junglist vinyl in Montreal.

[ www.djbind.com ]
Bind has been quite a busy guy lately, hosting events ranging from Drum & Bass (Phace, N-Phect & Diz:play), to Breaks (Simply Jeff), to Dubstep (Skream). More recently linking up with Broken Crew and Kops to bring Afrika Bambaataa to our fine city. Bind will be bringing you some of the finest breaks this evening featuring his partner in crime…

EVADER MC [Vancouver]
Live Animals Crew
After a brief hiatus, Evader joins us back in Montreal where he belongs, toasting it up on the mic as only he knows how.

HUSSLER [Toronto]
This T-dot transplant never fails to please, warming up the night nicely with a mixture of breaks/hip hop/funk/garage and everything in between.
Room 1:
DJ Craze (USA, Florida, Miami)
Evader MC (Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver)
Hussler (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
MC Armanni (USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Corey K - thesession.ca - The Session
DJ Bind - www.djbind.com - Hot Mess, Vagitron!
Tickets:10.00 - Advance
15.00 - Door
Extras:Tickets Available At:
DNA Records - 3828 St-Laurent 514-288-9DNA
Off The Hook - 1021 St-Catherine O. 514-499-1021
[ www.ticketpro.ca ]

be sure to check out the following:

[ www.djcraze.com ]
[ www.dnarecords.com ]
[ www.moogaudio.ca ]
[ www.mtldnb.com ]
[ www.djbind.com ]
[ www.techno.fm ]
Added:Sat Oct 7, 2006 @ 2:38pm by » Corey_K
Modified:Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 3:54am by » Corey_K
Events Calendar - December 1, 2006
21 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Bassic
» blop
» Chuck_B
» Corey_K
» diek
» DirtyD
» DocFunk
» Elusive
» Kurse
» Lady
» MaliSSe
» Toltech
Contributing Members: » Corey_K (18)
Member Comments
» Lady said @ Thu Dec 7, 2006 @ 12:16pm
woohoo congrats kloda and bind on a great event :)
» Corey_K said @ Tue Dec 5, 2006 @ 7:13pm
» Orraggan said @ Fri Dec 1, 2006 @ 7:44pm
Shiiiiitttttt! Ça fait une demi-éternité que j'ai pas entendu Corey K. & Bind !! Et les autres, ben attachez vos warm ups, j'arrive !
» SeismoLogick said @ Fri Dec 1, 2006 @ 5:51pm
a quelle heure ca commance?
» DirtyD said @ Fri Dec 1, 2006 @ 1:28pm
» Elusive said @ Sat Nov 11, 2006 @ 6:33pm
cartel recordings is the badness boooh!