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Events Calendar - March 18, 2006
Demolition [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Mar 18, 2006 @ 9:00pm
Description:Welcome to the center of dEsTruCtioN!!
Bienvenue au centre de la deStRucTiOn!!

Massacre Valley:

-Delta 9 US-hardcore
-Doc Savage
-Twisted Freq

Psykedelic Pyramid:

-Zaid K
-Ecto-Gammit aka Pete thA best

15$ tickets on sale now at Norml. (limited)

-for tickets or for more infos: kreotik@msn.com

20-25$ at door!

Room 1:
Data Decay - TundraRecords.org - Freak Addiction Krew \ Tundra Re
exT - www.djext.ca
TwistedFreq - www.myspace.com - Kreatrix Headquarters
Room 2:
Zaid K (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) (Psy Trance) - Phonolite, Alien Crew
Ecto Gammit (Psy Trance)
Psycronik (Psy Trance) - Freak Addiction Krew\Tundra Recs
Extras:15$ tickets on sale now at Norml. (limited)

-for tickets or for more infos: kreotik@msn.com

20-25$ at door!

Added:Mon Jan 9, 2006 @ 12:00am by » ship_wreck
Modified:Wed Feb 8, 2006 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - March 18, 2006
36 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Contributing Members: » BoUnTee (28), » FreeLotus (13), » ffuucckkyyoouu (8)
Member Comments
» Xevious said @ Sun Mar 19, 2006 @ 8:06pm
awesome party guys, it was my first and will not be my last!
» done said @ Sun Mar 19, 2006 @ 3:35pm
That was an awesome party!!!
» Level13 said @ Sun Mar 19, 2006 @ 1:17pm
Gotta give up the Kreotk crew for setting up their best demolition since their begining. you guys have really got better since u guys started , big ups. altho i left around 11pms cus i didnt eat supper. the light show was mint compared to its other events. system was better then before (on cd decks anyway) its ashame those damn turn tables were humming all nite unless they got fixed durring the later nite. i had a fun time playing for those there . i was rather impressed there was more people earlier then i expected. all the cds i put out were gone like meat in a tiger pit. not sure about the trackitdown stickers tho. got to play a lil longer then was originally planned. happy everyone was feeling the dark freeform mind fuk :)
» Kurse said @ Sat Mar 18, 2006 @ 4:11am
need lift from montreal, call me 418-558-2275 / besoin dun lift de mtl.
» alexgeyerx said @ Wed Mar 15, 2006 @ 1:32am
im so there its insace my tickettes on my wall muahahah
» KkeNt said @ Mon Feb 13, 2006 @ 7:13am
Delta 9 et Zaid K seront a Ottawa-Gatineau alors vous savez que cette soirée sera destructive musicalement!!
» rawali said @ Sun Feb 12, 2006 @ 10:24pm