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Events Calendar - April 3, 2004
Dark Spring Experiment [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Apr 3, 2004 @ 1:00am

Don't mist this unique experience in Mtl, an all day activities pack.

Sugar Shack :: Chez Oswald
Dinner and more...
>>transport included and dinner (departure at 1h PM from Saphir)

Bowling a Gothland :: in collaboration with Athanore
the day continue with this bowling activity (start at 7h PM)
645 de l'eglise :: metro de l'eglise
>>transport and all location cost included

Replikant V2.0 @ Saphir
come dance on dj blackpaps and kaotik EBM/Industrial/Noise music
Cruella prizes to win + free drink with the ticket
>>transport and cover included (5$ cover if you just want to assist to the night)

Saturday April 3rd
ticket for all the activities and transport :: 26$
ticket available at Saphir and Cruella.
IMPORTANT :: transport leave at 1h PM from Saphir, be there in time.
Added:Wed Mar 10, 2004 @ 12:00am by » ezekiel23
Modified:Fri May 21, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - April 3, 2004
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