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Events Calendar - September 23, 2005
Danny K @ The Beat [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Rouge, Club
Info:[b]Danny K[/b] J.Bradley & Luc Labelle at The Beat

[b]DANNY K[/b] is BACK!

Danny K has dramatically changed his sound! Its so unique...we'd have to say its like licking an electric pez dispenser...tasty & guaranteed to make u jump (repeatedly).

Seriously, Danny's sound has evolved so much over the past few months...and we can tell you its three things: fun, fun & fun!

1/2 of "See you on the dancefloor is back"...its always an honor to have one of the "Thrust" boys back to play at the Beat!

with J. Bradley & Luc Labelle

$3 before 12, $5 after

as always...cheap drinks :)
Added:Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - September 23, 2005
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