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Events Calendar - February 17, 2006
Cryptic Culture [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 12:00am
Location:Pepper Jacks
Description:To get to PepperJack's from Toronto way, take QEW to 403 Hamilton and exit on Main st. downtown. Merge into the oneway traffic heading towards downtown keeping to the left lanes. Pass the City Hall and Hamilton Place and turn left onto James St. Follow across King St. and make your first right onto King William. Parking is directly on your left, the corner of Kingwilliam and James and PepperJack's is the classy looking place with an all front of glass. Its above Fever for all those who know.

Approximate set times subject to change .

945-1045 Raiz
1045-1130 Scratche & Switch
1130-1? Inside A Mind
1-130 Scratche & Switch
130- close Mat the Alien

will have some door prizes of Mat's Circa promo, but there is a trick to be done for this treat

hope to be an online presence soon when i have more time to dedicate to learning. We will be recording a good portion of tonights turntable festivities and when we can get our act together they will all be available for free download through [ www.backbreakers.ca ] good things are upcoming.


Backbreakers crew
Room 1:
Scratche - www.scratche.ca - breakbeats.ca, fliptherecord.com
Added:Sun Feb 19, 2006 @ 12:00am by » scratche
Events Calendar - February 17, 2006
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