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Events Calendar - January 9, 2010
Club Opera (Closing Weekend) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jan 9, 2010 @ 10:00pm
Description:January 2010 marks the begining of a new year. Unfortunately it also marks the end of a great era in Montreal nightlife. Due to circumstances relating to the rebirth of this neigborhood, the city of Montreal has put forth a plan to rebuild and restrengthen the image of the area that we are currently located at, leaning towards the field of arts and culture (Cartier Spectacle). The entire facade and structure will be re-modelled . This has ultimately brought us to a halt, bringing us our official closing weekend.

Hence, with this development . The management and staff of Club Opera would like take the time to thanks everyone, patrons and partners for their infinite support over the last 3 1/2 years. Making Club Opera a power house in the North American nightlife scene.

Thus with a new year, comes new developments. Therefore consider this a brief pause that will lead us to work and strive harder to bring you the next big project that we have in store for you. To keep intouch with us we will have our website updated on a regular basis [ www.clubopera.ca ] Once again we thank you for all the great memories and look forward to seeing you in the future.

Kind Regards,
Club Opera

Le mois de janvier marque le debut d'une nouvelle annee, malheureusement I'll est aussi synonime de la fermeture d'une des plus grande boite de nuit que montreal est connue. Due a des circostances relie a la reconstruction du quartier ou nous sommes situe, le futur quartier des spectacles sera une addition importante pour le domaine artistique montrealais et sera un point tournant quand au futur meme de la ville.

Toujours est I'll que toute l'equipe de l'Opera tiens a remercier sa formidable clientele pour sa generosite et son soutient constant, ce qui en a fait une des boite de nuit les plus repute en amerique du nord.

Avec cette nouvelle annee de nouveau projet emmerge, donc considere ceci une courte pause qui nous amenneras a travailler plus fort pour vous faire vivre de plus grandes emotions encore. Pour toute informations et avancement du futur projet veuillez consulter notre site web au [ www.clubopera.ca ]
Encore merci a tous et au plaisir de vous revoir sous peu!
Toute l'quipe de l'Opera.
Added:Sat Jan 9, 2010 @ 4:31pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - January 9, 2010
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