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Events Calendar - March 19, 2010
Clothing Swap [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 7:00pm
Description:Spring is here, declutter and clean out your closet and find clothing items to swap !

HOW IT WORKS: You bring at least 4 items to swap, we place them, you come in, pick out your new wardrobe!

-There is a 5$ entrance fee, you get your hands on 2 extra items for free!
-If you do not have any additional items to swap, an item will cost you 2$ each

WHAT TO BRING: Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Suits, Pants, Jeans, Tops, Blouses, Sweaters, Tee-shirts, Work-out wear, Costumes, Shoes, Purses, Jewelry, Belts, Hats, Watches, etc.

-Items must be CLEAN (freshly laundered) and in good condition
-Bring in your items between 12-2pm
-Bring at least 4 items to swap
-5$ entrance fee for everyone (gets you 2 items for free)

(Please note that all unclaimed items are donated to various local non-profits that provide clothing to people in need)

Cheap non-alocholic drinks and snacks will be available!
Nice smooth indie music playing all day!
Added:Fri Mar 12, 2010 @ 8:27pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - March 19, 2010
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