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Events Calendar - February 13, 2004
Capital City Punishment [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Fri Feb 13, 2004 @ 12:00am
Promoter:DBR Records
Description:Awsome valentine party on fridat the 13th MORE INFO AND DJ's TBA SOON!
Room 1:
Level 13 (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - Electroplates - Electronic
Neoform (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - www.djneoform.com - Renegade Legion
Slammer Virus Band (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - www.slammervirus.com - Repent Tokyo Records
tffsgsf (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
The Middle Man (Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver) - www.synergyraves.com - Synergy Collective
Threatis (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - www.repenttokyo.com - The Short List
Tipsy T (Canada, Quebec, Montreal) - Ravin Phantasy Records, UK
Bacchus - www.djbacchus.net - GME, Big Kahuna, Hardbazz Fusion
Phil Atio - www.bowzer.net - Vibes Duty, GT-Unit
Tyco - www.goodfellaz.ca - Goodfellaz
Added:Fri Feb 13, 2004 @ 12:00am by » Luna-1
Modified:Fri Jan 9, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - February 13, 2004
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Lady
» Luna-1
» neoform
Member Comments
» neoform said @ Fri Jan 23, 2004 @ 4:46pm
Somehow i don't think Bobby Timkin is worth $300..
» The_Middle_Man said @ Fri Jan 16, 2004 @ 10:58am
At least he's still listed as attending...
» Luna-1 said @ Fri Jan 9, 2004 @ 10:09am
LOl who is professional now booby cause ya dont ghet the amout of money ya want you bitch and slammer virus is not comming cause they work that night so nothing to do whit that you dumbfuck so stop saying you are there manager you wannabe seriously go fuck yourself
» Bobby_Timkin said @ Mon Jan 5, 2004 @ 3:14pm
Statement from Freelance Artist and Event Management Hello, Freelance regrets to inform you that due to failure to comply with contractual obligations and gross negligence on the part of the promoter of this event, our organization has had to make the tough decision of terminating our relations with DBR Records of Toronto Canada. The result of this is the pullout of the event's Headliners, Bobby Timken, Slammer Virus, and Level 13. We strongly recommend against ANYONE having business dealings with this company as through research and contacts we have found that the promoter of this event are frequently negligent in such regard. Again, we do regret taking such an action, but in the interest of professionalism we need to make an example that such action will not be tolerated. Sincerely, Freelance