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Events Calendar - January 12, 2007
Canada's Best Hip Hop & RnB DJ: Baby Yu [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jan 12, 2007 @ 10:00pm
Description:Orchid Nightclub is proud to present its guests this Friday with Canada’s #1 DJ: Baby Yu. As a weekly resident DJ for the top 2 Toronto blockbuster venues, Guvernment and the Docks, Orchid will guarantee to bring you the very best of Hip Hop and RnB.
Room 1:
Baby Yu (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Extras:In collaboration with several McGill associations & Orchid’s elite promotion team, this event is assured to be banging to start off the new semester. Patrons of Orchid are entitled to reserving their place under the guestlist for a cover free entrance before midnight. As well, ladies receive the ultimate VIP treatment as they receive an open bar before midnight!

For more information and guestlist, please contact us at:

guestlist@dp514.com or call:

514-889-6589 (Daniel) / 514-583-6423 (Phil)

Please visit:

[ www.dp514.com ] & [ www.orchidnightclub.com ]

*Strict dress code: no runners, hats, baggies or jerseys.
*Last submission for guestlist will be taken up until 8:30pm via email and 9:30pm via phone reservation on the night of the event.
Added:Tue Jan 9, 2007 @ 1:35am by » dp514
Modified:Sat Jan 13, 2007 @ 6:25pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - January 12, 2007
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» dp514
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