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Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
Brooklyn, 1987 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 9:00pm
Location:Private residence
Description:Brooklyn, 1987. Pimps are bringing down some hoes. The puerto rican dealer is on his usual street corner. A break dancer unzips his Adidas one piece suit. Some hardcore hip hoppers from the first generation are beating a Flavor Flav lookalike in the alley filled with homeless bums watching while sipping on cheap wine bottles.

Some rich yuppies pass by in a pink 928 and wear fluo, while sporting bigger sunglasses than you could ever imagine were produced. A Tubbs wannabe is flirting with a Crockett imitation in a gay strip club and the night is just starting.
Room 1:
Clifford Brown - www.mirrorballs.ca
DJ MEKANIK - gigolo,surprise,dfa
Info:We hope you all bring a midget. And your own booze. If we catch you drinking other people's alcohol, we'll have to beat the shit out of you until you puke in a corner and give back what you stole.
Added:Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Clifford_Brown
Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Clifford_Brown said @ Sun Jul 16, 2006 @ 4:02pm
Jhon, is that ironic ? And... are you comin' down ? Man, that party sure kicked ass !
» Lappy said @ Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 7:49pm
Y va faire chaud...
» Jhon_Quadeyes said @ Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 7:07pm
Cliff, buddy, your skill with words amaze me.
» Misfit said @ Sat Jul 8, 2006 @ 3:53pm
Your left liver & my kick in your balls !