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Events Calendar - June 11, 2005
BLOW UP! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 12:00am
Description:Ding! ding! Round 2 (two) for ‘BLOW UP!’ is going to be the antidote for those of you suffering from Grand Prix-itis. This time around, DJs Jacob Asher, Romeo Kardec, Mateo Murphy and special appearance by DJ John Michael from Honolulu are on the case to bring the heat musically, with what might best be called "drunk chic". The look of the party is once again being carved out of steel by design juggernaut Studio 300. (Pending the resolution of scheduling conflicts, the live-feed ‘improv dance show’ performed by residents of the Lakeview Retirement Home has been tentatively canceled, but it may still happen.)
Room 1:
21:00 Jacob Asher - www.lipstickmusic.com - DNA / Lipstick Music
23:00 Romeo Kardec
24:30 Mateo Murphy - www.mateomurphy.com
01:45 John Michael
Nivoc - www.lipstickmusic.com - Ascend / Lipstick music
Pascal B - www.lipstickmusic.com - Lipstick music
Extras:$10 b4 midnight
$15 at the door
Added:Thu May 26, 2005 @ 12:00am by » jmc
Events Calendar - June 11, 2005
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Member Comments
» Lone_Star said @ Wed Jun 8, 2005 @ 6:26pm
Une fille aurait été terriblement plus préférable pour le flyer.