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Events Calendar - June 5, 2003
Bleep [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 12:00am
Description:BLEEP is a monthly electronic music experiment in the heart of downtown Montreal, bringing together two of the city's foremost promoters and innovators of cutting edge techno, Clonk and Level 4 Productions. Residents 'naw' and Sarcastic will provide both live laptop sets and DJ sets at each event, guest artists will showcase the freshest sounds of Montreal and beyond.
Room 1:
Granny Ark (Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver)
naw - www.noisefactoryrecords.com - Noise Factory
Noah Pred - www.synapsedesign.ca - Consigned / Immigrant
SARCASTIC - www.djsarcastic.bandcamp.com - Level 4, Icewax, Red Channel+
Extras:$4 at the door
Added:Thu Jun 5, 2003 @ 12:00am by » Czarkastik
Modified:Sat Dec 18, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - June 5, 2003
11 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
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