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Events Calendar - October 28, 2006
Black Mass [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 9:00pm till Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 4:00am
Promoter:Cirque de Boudoir
Description:Our premiere event will be one to remember as we host Cirque de Boudoir in an exclusive and intimate environment, where the possibilities are extremely sexy. Wicked performances, DJs and live musicians, visuals and lighting effects, and eye candy overdose! Get your tickets early as they are selling very fast. This is a non-stop party event with live performances, DJs, VJs, and stimulation OVERLOAD!
Room 1:
John Juster (Sax - L.A.) (USA, California, 100 Palms)
Amp_Up (EBM) - www.akarien.com - Akarien
Davide (aka MasterMayhem)
Jacob Asher - www.lipstickmusic.com - DNA / Lipstick Music
Tickets:20.00 - in advance
30.00 - at the door
Extras:Tickets available at:
Cuir Northbound 1323 St. Catherine E.

More info @ [ www.cirquedeboudoir.com ]
Added:Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 9:39pm by » Amp_Up
Modified:Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 10:36pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - October 28, 2006
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Amp_Up
» Annily
» Nathan
Member Comments
» Amp_Up said @ Sun Oct 22, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Come take part in the hot action of Cirque de Boudoir and explore the infinite potential of sexuality, fetishism and eroticism. You may play as a performer or if you prefer, you may watch the avant-garde performances unfold before you in intimate environments.(Recently added on this site, but long time planned event)