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Events Calendar - June 25, 2005
Beta_Lab 06.05 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jun 25, 2005 @ 9:00pm
Location:La Salle D'Attente (Esperanza)
Description:Beta_Lab @ La Salle D'Attente
Pharmacie Esperanza - 5490 boul St-Laurent, Montreal
Saturday, June 25th 2005 / 9pm - 1am


For our June installment, Beta_Lab will feature two incredibly talented and prolific artists all the way from Saskatoon:

Carrie Gates [Vinyl Interventions]
Jon Vaughn [No Type]

Carrie and Jon are the directors of the BricoLodge net-label as well as organizers of national events such as Digidome and Phantom Power.
They've also invited some special local guests to join them on this evening.

Check out the following websites for more information:
[ www.phoniq.net ]
[ www.notype.com ]
[ www.vinylinterventions.com ]
[ www.notype.com ]
Room 1:
21:00 Jon Vaughn (Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon) (Ambient)
23:00 Carrie Gates (Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon) (Experimental)
Khanfucius - www.panospria.com
Added:Tue Jun 14, 2005 @ 12:00am by » kh4n
Modified:Mon May 7, 2007 @ 9:44am by » kh4n
Events Calendar - June 25, 2005
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» kh4n
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